OSSWA Constitution and Bylaws

draft – please submit comments below or send us an email


Section 1.
The name of the organization shall be the Oregon School Social Work Association, hereafter referred to as OSSWA.

Section 2.
The Oregon School Social Work Association empowers school social workers and promotes the profession to enhance the social and emotional growth and academic outcomes of all students.


The purposes of OSSWA are:

  1. To strengthen the profession of school social work by maintaining and increasing the number of school social workers employed by local education agencies in the state of Oregon advocating for equitable representation of QBIPOC (Queer Black Indigenous People of Color) in the profession.
  2. With an equity lens, provide opportunities for ongoing professional development.
  3. To open statewide channels of communication and information sharing.
  4. To respond in a timely and efficient manner to the changing needs of school social workers.
  5. To influence public policy and educational issues which includes standing against the institutionalized racism within education that affects QBIPOC students, families, communities, and social workers, including the school to prison pipeline.
  6. To demonstrate school social workers’ effectiveness through evaluation and research.
  7. Using a culturally responsive lens, assist school social workers in creating linkages among home, school, and community on behalf of students and their families, 
  8. To mentor and provide persons providing school social work services to achieve the highest professional standards.


Section 1.
Membership Categories

Full Membership: A person who is a social worker and is invested in schools shall be eligible for full membership. Retired or unemployed school social workers shall qualify for full student membership rates.

Student Membership: Any person pursuing an undergraduate or graduate social work degree with an interest in School Social Work is eligible for student membership. Student Members are non-voting and are ineligible to hold an office in the organization.

Section 2.
Membership extends for one year from the date of enrollment.

Section 3.
Annual Dues
There will be regular dues for this organization.

Any changes in dues will be recommended by the Board to the membership at the annual conference. A majority of those in attendance will decide if dues are to be changed.

The leadership of OSSWA will have the power to disburse funds for promoting and developing School Social Work in the state of Oregon. In the event that OSSWA is dissolved, all available funds will be disbursed for the promoting and development of School Social Work to a non-profit fund, foundation, or corporation, which has established its tax exempt status under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Section 4.
Rights of Members
All members are entitled to one vote and participation in any committee.


Leadership Structure:

We are moving to a model that is led by committees with a few exceptions where it makes sense for a specific individual to be identified, such as secretary and treasurer.  Additionally, to increase the viability of all of these committees, we will work to include a social work graduate student, whenever possible.  The proposed committees are Racial Equity Committee, Legislative Committee, Secretary, Treasurer, Conference Committee, and Social Media/Outreach Committee.

Treasurer: Maintains all financial records of the Association, pays bills and collects receipts.

Secretary: Takes minutes of meetings, provides copies of minutes to Board and keeps copies of all correspondence.

Committees: Committees will comprise the bulk of the work of OSSWA. The Conference Committee will plan the annual conference. The Racial Equity Committee will work in center equity and the voices and experiences of QBIPOC students, families and school social workers in all activities and initiatives of the organization.

Responsibility: The leadership committee’s responsibility to the membership is to: 1) Meet on a regular basis; 2) Inform the membership of activities on a regular basis;        3) Have minutes available for inspection; 4) Select representatives to various state organizations and committees; 5) Organize email alerts, as necessary; 6) At least annually provide a practice oriented professional growth workshop; 7) Regularly invite input from all members.

OSSWA will follow the guidelines of an organization exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Decisions will be based on a majority vote of the members present at formal meetings.

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